Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Project Update

Here are the emails that I've recieved from the class thus far:

From Juliet:
So far, I'm interested in coming up with more
complete definitions for both "Comics" and "Graphic Novels," as I don't
think either McCloud's or Eisner's definitions go far enough to be used in a
more empirical sense. I'm also interested in Cohn's idea of "Sight Rhyme."

From Jennifer:
vertical therory
gender barriers
gender boundries
golden age

From Neil:
I would like to snag Otaku at least as I'm interested in doing a little research on it!
That's all I have so far but I'll send you the rest later.

Stephen mentioned in class that "Graphic" and "Episode" could be defined too.

I've also heard from Ann, who expressed interest in being one of the animators.

Let's try to get a full list for next week. I'll compile all the terms next monday and post a unified list so we won't have to slog through endless posts.


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